Home » Thank you, thank you, thank you...

Thank you, thank you, thank you...

Published in Site Feedback by Kevin L. Kitchens on November 01, 2006 12:55

Tenspeed and Brownshoe wrote:

Just wanted to take a moment to say thanks for the site. It is very easy to navigate, make comments and find information. The potd's have been wonderful as well. Thanks again.

Thank YOU again. All of you. You have really made this site a great success in little over a month.

I'm glad the user interface has been well-received. Look for some more tweaks and enhancements in the days or hours to come.

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Ken Pichon commented on October 25, 2010 15:35:
I keep trying to get a new password, but receive nothing back...can you help? I have been a member for years....

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