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News and Journals

  • Photography News
    News and information on photography related issues and products.

  • Contests and Competitions
    Stories about various photography competitions at photographyvoice.com and around the internet.

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    Changes, updates, and announcements about photographyvoice.com itself.

  • Reviews & Previews
    Reviews and Previews of cool and upcoming photography related software and equipment.

  • Site Feedback
    Questions and comments from photographyvoice.com readers.

  • Kitchens' Sink
    Kevin L. Kitchens is the editor and developer of photographyvoice.com. When not doing photography and website development, he likes to spend time with his family, four cats, and one dog. His online photo gallery can be viewed HERE.

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From the
POTD Archive

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Hall of Crosses
Pam York

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Church Reflection
Chaval Luppi

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Twilight Highlights
Raymond Pauly

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Paint the Town
Joyce Webley

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Spring in the Desert II
Don Beechey

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