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World in Pictures Day!

The next World in Pictures Day is scheduled for
September 11, 2011
That's just -4945 days from today!

World in Pictures Day is a photographyvoice.com initiative to bring together photographers from around the world in an attempt to document one day in the life of this world we share.

WPD is open to photographers of all skill levels and while photography prowess is a definite plus, it's not a requirement. Don't be afraid of expressing yourself with your camera!

How it works is quite simple. Sometime during the scheduled World in Pictures Day, plan and capture a creative image that reflects the world around you. It can be your home, your pets, your family, your city, your car, yourself. Whatever you like! You can focus on the abstract, photojournalism, art, it's your craft -- you decide what you want to show.

The catch? Only that you are allowed to submit only ONE photo to the process! So choose wisely. Beginning on the WPD date, the upload page will be enabled, allowed you to submit your entry for a period of 36 hours (to compensate for time zone issues). After that, the upload will be closed and the archive will be made available for all to view and comment upon. During the upload period, you're free to alter your submission as you see fit.

A FREE photographyvoice.com user account is required to upload -- as well as participate in much of the site's features, so take a moment to Register in advance.

Help us make WPD a success by sharing this initiative with other photographers you know, on message forums, emails, camera clubs, etc.

If you have questions about the World in Pictures Day feature, drop us a quick note via our Contact Page.

Plan now! We look forward to seeing what YOUR creativity brings!

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