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World in Pictures (888) Day VIII Gallery

This global event took place on August 08, 2008.

The eighth edition of World in Pictures Day was the second straight record setting edition with 122 entries! Thank you so much for spreading the word, taking part, and for sharing amazing photos of your life and your world. This edition was sponsored by our wonderful friends at Adobe who offered two copies of their newly released Lightroom 2.0 as prizes to two of the artists who participated!

Sorry that you could not take part in this edition of the World in Pictures Day .

Keep checking the World in Pictures Day information page for the next announced edition.

Below is a small random sampling of the images captured by some amazing photographers during this event. Click any image to view a larger version and post comments. You can then scroll through the complete gallery at your leisure. Refresh this page to see a new random sampling.

Photographer List
Click name to view photo
Al Mullen
Ali Mocabee
Anders Hustvedt
Arumugam Ganesan
Betty Batten
Bill Krause
Bill Turner
Bill Vickers
Bonnie Lackey
brandon daryle
Bren Grubb
Brett Turner
C Thompson
C. L. Henson
Caj Källmalm
Carlos Camacho
Carol Breton
Charlene Ahrens
Cheryl Tessens
Christina Evans
Christine Czernin
Clarence Olson
Claude Desrosiers
Colleen Prohaska
Corrin Hatton
Craig Thomas
Daniel Källmalm
Darlene Doepp
Dave Menard
David Beal
David J. van Unen
David Peterson
Dean Graham
debbie del tejo
Debbie Olberts
Diane Dupuis-Kallos
Dick Vance
Dick Wyatt
Donna Pagakis
Dotty Motta
Doug Havens
Eileen Bedford
Elida Gutierrez
Gary G
George Mock
greg maclachlan
Heather V Hogg
Helen McHugh
Jack Cunningham
Jack Ryan
Jane Mountain
Jeff Sundin
Jenny Bailey
Jon Ayres
Joy Cobb
Joy Rector
Joyce Webley
Juanita Ruffner
Judy Baum
Julie Christiansen
Kambhampaty Subrahmanyam
Karma Shuford
Kathy Pazaryna
Kathy Shogren
Kelvin(Kelly) E. Hargrove
Ken Pichon
Kevin L. Kitchens
Kirsten Kjaer
Kumiko Parkinson
LaRee Brownell
Larry Buck
Larry Hopkins
Leif Kjaer
Linn Smith
Lois Sturdivant
Lola M.
Lonnie Facchina
Lyle Elsberry
Marcia Smith
Margaret Barry
marilyn flanagan
Marja Konimaki
Marlene Lebel
Martin Castledine
Marty Preslar
Mary Binford
Mary C Legg
Mary Hamilton
Maureen Bisson
Melissa Widmaier
Michael Rose
Michel Boden
Monnie Ryan
Mustafa Kizilcay
Nancyj Hovey
Neil Hynes
Patrick Liu
Raymond Pauly
Richard Deadmond
Richard Sasserath
Robin-Lee Vieira
Ronald Walsh
Sampo Vuori
Shapour Vaezi
sharon howard
Sharron Paris
Spencer Huck
Stanley A. Williams
stephen groome
sue anne rush
susie peek-swint
Sylvia Rossler
Tamara Shurling
Tate Davidson
Teri Moyer
Terry O'Donovan
thomas borneman
Timothy Toole
Tom Briggs
Tom Downer
Wendy Keighley
William wrosenthal
Random Sampling of the Submitted Entries (click to view larger, refresh for a new random sample)

Jack Cunningham

Our Uncrowded Summertime Beaches
Ken Pichon

Downtown at Lunch Time
Joy Rector

Red Bicycles
Nancyj Hovey

Getting Ahead in the World
Debbie Olberts

A Very Foggy Picture Day Morning
Dick Vance

Home on the Range
Robin-Lee Vieira

View From My Office Window
Teri Moyer

sharon howard

Summer Fruit
David Peterson

Sea Oats
Bill Turner

Hornet's Nest
C Thompson

Young Performer
Leif Kjaer

The Cardiologist's Office
Brett Turner

Roxy's Relief
David J. van Unen

Click any image for a larger view and to leave comments.
You can then scroll through the entries one by one. Refresh this page for a different sample.

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From the
POTD Archive

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Blue Bondage
Linn Smith

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San Fransisco's Golden Gate Bridge
James Stone

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Trump Up
Teri Moyer

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Interesting Conversation
Anait Abramian

Click to view larger version.
The Model on the New Lunar Year
Trandinh Khiem

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