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World in Pictures Day II Entry ~ LaRee Brownell

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Image copyright © LaRee Brownell All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Playing in the California Poppies
by LaRee Brownell (LaRee) 
Pentax K10D
San Diego, California
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
Today was a very gray day. But we managed to find some color in these wild poppies. South Shores Boat Ramp.

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foxglove commented on April 09, 2007 10:56:
Lovely as always, LaRee. I love the way the plants sort of swirl around the boy, it gives quite the sense of movement to an otherwise static scene. Nice spotting and shooting! Julie
Paula Mackey commented on April 09, 2007 12:07:
Beautiful! Love how the flowers surround the boy!
Jill commented on April 09, 2007 13:14:
Wow, look at all those poppies! Mine are only about 3 inches high here in The Antelope Valley! Great shot!
Sylvia commented on April 09, 2007 14:47:
Wonderful shot LaRee :o)
LaRee Brownell commented on April 10, 2007 01:24:
Thank you all for your comments. It was very windy and the flowers were blowing. Having my son jump in the middle seemed fitting. But I don't like a posed shot so I grab what I can. Which is why we have the top of his head and not his eyes. ;)
Julie commented on April 10, 2007 06:50:
How adorable. Cherish.
Linda commented on April 10, 2007 09:37:
Beautiful flowers and a very nice shot.
Bob commented on April 10, 2007 09:59:
Another great shot LaRee. No fair using the California poppies and the handsome young man! It will be weeks before I see any poppies here! Well done again.
Linn Smith commented on April 10, 2007 20:01:
Your son's eyes and the way his hands cross adds to the overall dynamic nature of this photo! It is a great capture and I commend you for such a beautiful example of "your world" in wonderful San Diego.
Jimbob commented on April 10, 2007 20:48:
This shot is absolutely fantastic LaRee!
Bev Way commented on April 13, 2007 11:06:
Great shot, LaRee, your son is too beautiful, I though it was a girl until I read some of your crits!!!
LaRee Brownell commented on April 14, 2007 01:09:
Thank you Linda, Bob, Linn, Jimbob and Bev. Yeah Bob, my little guy here has become my lucky charm in photos. ;) Especially when you can see his eyes. Those shots are getting harder to capture as he gets older though.
Carolyn Brown commented on May 18, 2007 19:47:

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