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World in Pictures Day III Entry ~ Patrice Cigallio Wesa

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Patrice Cigallio Wesa All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

by Patrice Cigallio Wesa (Patrice Cigallio) 
Canon Powershot A710 IS
Wakefield, Michigan
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
An outing with Dad and my dog, Abbey.

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Mark Westlake commented on July 09, 2007 15:24:
Very nice photo Patrice,hope you all enjoyed the day!Abbey looks like a real charmer!
Helen McHugh commented on July 09, 2007 16:40:
A lovely intimate capture, Patrice! I agree with Mark, Abbey is just lovely! It looks nice & bright where you are, so I hope you all had a great day!
Linn Smith commented on July 09, 2007 21:09:
A wonderful photo that captures so well the warmth of love between your Dad and Abbey. Perfect candid shot showing the mutual contentment of one with the other.
Sylvia commented on July 10, 2007 00:28:
Looks like you had a wonderful day :o) Abbey is such a cute one :O)
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on July 10, 2007 22:50:
Thanks Mark, Helen, Linn, and Sylvia for your nice comments and to PV for coming up with this great idea and for sharing my image on the site.
Kelvin (Kelly) Hargrove commented on July 11, 2007 00:01:
Abbey looks very happy where she's at. Seems you all had a great day out. Thanks for sharing this day with all of us too. :)
Randie Blunt commented on July 11, 2007 10:21:
Hi Patrice, Is Abbey a Border Collie? My wife Judy and I are Puppy People. Sure looks to me like Abbie knows where her bread is buttered. Sure look to me like your Dad loves Abbie. Very nice human interest pic. I smiled a big smile when I saw it. Sure look like "Buddies." Nice Picture. Thanks.
Maureen Theriot commented on July 11, 2007 10:22:
What a capture of joy. I know you have a photo there that you'll treasure a lifetime.
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on July 11, 2007 13:34:
Thanks for your comments Kelly, Randie and Maureen. They meant a lot to me. Thanks for taking the time to comment too. Randie, Abbey is a 2 year old Sheltie or Shetland Sheep Dog. Shelties make great pets and are extremely intelligent. Abbey is also a trained therapy dog and has brought many people a lot of joy.
Dan commented on July 11, 2007 15:38:
We all search for that place where we can find peace, contentment, and tranquility. Both your father and Abbey seemed to have found it all together....photo truly captures the friendship and bonding between your dad and Abbey.
Georgia commented on July 11, 2007 22:03:
thanks for sharing with me, your dad looks so great, Abbey too. hugs to all God Bless
Joyce Webley commented on July 12, 2007 14:19:
What a sweet image, full of love. A treasure for you, I'm sure, as I also treasure every photo of my dad! Abbey is a cute dog, too!
Kathleen Haines commented on July 15, 2007 22:20:
Good for Abbey and the work she does, and good for you for sharing her. Thanks.
Ralph Lehmann commented on July 16, 2007 08:40:
"Buddies", perfect title, this shot show a warmth between the two. Like the setting and the lighting. Excellent photo.
Tom Carter commented on July 16, 2007 16:25:

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