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World in Pictures (Leap) Day VI Entry ~ susie peek-swint

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © susie peek-swint All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Having a Chin Wag
by susie peek-swint (siska) 
Olympus E-400
Lyme Regis, Dorset
United Kingdom

Photographer Notes:
Shot taken about 3 pm this afternoon in cool drizzly weather ~ wonder what these gulls were talking about??

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Bill Krause commented on March 01, 2008 21:57:
Love it susie and cool title. :O)
C Thompson commented on March 01, 2008 22:54:
What a wonderful scene you have caught here Susie!
Sylvia Rossler commented on March 02, 2008 02:33:
Normally I love to add speech bubbles to animals but these two look so stupid I can't find words..loll Wonderfil scenery Susie :O)
susie peek-swint commented on March 02, 2008 04:10:
Thanks Doc, Corinne, and Sylvia! They were probably discussing the horrid weather and who was going to brave the sea for some fresh fish for supper ~ lol!
Kathy Pazaryna commented on March 02, 2008 05:35:
Nice capture Susie if it isn't the weather they are talking about I think the one on the right is streaching his neck up as far as he can to prove he is the Tallest LOL
Mary C Legg commented on March 02, 2008 07:41:
they were definitely grumpy about the slack garbage provisions available from tourists
Kambhampaty Subrahmanyam commented on March 02, 2008 18:55:
Wonderful catch of the Gulls Lulls.
Tom Briggs commented on March 03, 2008 14:08:
Great photo, Susie. When you find out what they were talking about will you let me know?
susie peek-swint commented on March 03, 2008 16:45:
Thanks Kathy, Mary, Kambhampaty,and Tom ~ I appreciate the fun comments :) susie

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