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World in Pictures (Memorial) Day VII Entry ~ Joy Cobb

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Joy Cobb All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Tinker Creek Gorge Overlook
by Joy Cobb (JoyCobb) 
Kodak Z612
Bedford, Ohio
United States of America

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C Thompson commented on May 28, 2008 10:03:
Wonderful capture Joy!
Kumiko Parkinson commented on May 28, 2008 12:54:
Make me want to walk through the path and see all the view there under my feet, very fresh green colors, great shot, Joy!!
Kathy Shogren commented on May 28, 2008 15:06:
Looks like a very beautiful place. Nice capture Joy.
Mary C Legg commented on May 28, 2008 15:42:
so this is where the book was written? it's really beautiful and such a romantic bridge. very lovely image
Douglas Perry commented on May 28, 2008 16:01:
Very nice Joy. Been there!
Joyce Webley commented on May 29, 2008 00:45:
Looks like a great place to visit on a day off!
Corrin Hatton commented on May 29, 2008 04:59:
yeah , makes me want to walk into the picture, great shot, love it
Jenny Bailey commented on May 29, 2008 12:43:
Great picture. It really makes me want to walk down that path!
Kambhampaty Subrahmanyam commented on May 30, 2008 13:18:
Wonderful composition and capture
Angela Metzger commented on May 30, 2008 16:54:
a beautiful shot, what a wonderful spot to spend the day
Angela Metzger commented on May 30, 2008 16:54:
a beautiful shot, what a wonderful spot to spend the day
Tom Briggs commented on May 30, 2008 18:47:
A beautiful place to be on this day. Lovely photo, Joy.
Arumugam Ganesan commented on May 30, 2008 19:05:
Great composition
Joy Cobb commented on May 31, 2008 10:32:
Thank you very much, C, Kumiko, Kathy, Mary, Douglas, Joyce, Corrine, Jenny, Kambhampaty, Angela, tom and Arumugam! I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day/WIPD! :)
Cheryl Tessens commented on May 31, 2008 12:35:
Makes me want to set my feet upon this path and see where it leads and what sights I shall find along the way.This draws one right in.Very nicely composed Joy!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on June 02, 2008 16:18:
Looks like a lovely place to view the green freshness of Spring. Love the walkway to the overlook itself leading the eye right into the scene and almost makes you feel like you are right there in it too....ready to step right in. Nice comp, Joy!
Marcia Smith commented on June 03, 2008 13:47:
I love the lines of the walkway, etc.

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