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World in Pictures Day XVIII - 09-11 10th Anniversary Entry ~ Raymond Pauly

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Raymond Pauly All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

by Raymond Pauly (raypauly) 
Canon EOS 7D
Cerro de La Muerte
Costa Rica

Photographer Notes:
I went shooting for hummingbirds today. This one actually seems to be "swimming" in the air.

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Julie Christiansen commented on September 15, 2011 06:45:
Fine shot of this little hummer.
Leonard McKeown commented on September 15, 2011 07:29:
well captured - there seems to be an abundance of hummingbirds in this collection for 9-11 gallery
Renee Harrell commented on September 15, 2011 17:05:
Awesome shot, Raymond! Which variety is this? I notice the white stripe at the eye's edge... Super Action shot with wonderful details! I've yet to get an opportunity to get a shot like this! I have 3 feeders in my yard.
Raymond Pauly commented on September 15, 2011 18:27:
Thank you all for your kind comments! Renee, I think this might be a Fiery-throated Hummingbird, hard to say without looking at him from the front, but I am pretty sure it is. I have been shooting hummers for a while now, and the best results I have gotten so far are with the help of a fill flash. You may want to try that. Cheers.
Ronald Walsh commented on September 16, 2011 07:57:
this is well shot r

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