Home » Kevin L. Kitchens Member Profile

Kevin L. Kitchens Member Profile

Personal Info
User Name:
Atlanta, Georgia
United States of America
Member since:
December 06, 2006 (6442 days)
Last Active:
October 29, 2021
(1001 days, 4 hours, 30 mins, 38 secs)

POTD Archive:

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Profile Image

Kevin L. Kitchens
I was born at an early age.

This is my information.
Samsung GX-10

Olympus E-510
Alienbees ABR-800
Alienbees B800
Photoflex 300ws strobes
Olympus FL-36 with remote for strobi
Last 12 POTD (click to view larger version)
One day soon, Kevin L. Kitchens will capture that perfect POTD image!
POTD Milestones

Total Wins: 0

POTD Win Count By Category

World in Pictures Day Entries (click to view larger version)

"Take That Al Qaeda!"
World in Pictures Day XVIII - 09-11 10th Anniversary
September 11, 2011

"Atlanta Ice Storm 2011"
World in Pictures Day XVII (1-11-11)
January 11, 2011

"Nothing But Corn Hole"
World in Pictures (Independence) Day XV
July 04, 2010

"One One, Two Twos, Three Threes"
World in Pictures Day XIV
March 13, 2010

"Patient Archer"
World in Pictures Day XIII
December 12, 2009

"Prince of the City"
World in Pictures (888) Day VIII
August 08, 2008

"2008 Double Graduate"
World in Pictures (Memorial) Day VII
May 26, 2008

"Leap Day Around the World"
World in Pictures (Leap) Day VI
February 29, 2008

"Deck Work"
World in Pictures Day IV
October 06, 2007

"Rescue Air One"
World in Pictures Day II
April 07, 2007


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From the
POTD Archive

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Lookout From Below
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Promise of Spring
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I Love Flora
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