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Photo of the Day ~ General Category ~ April 14, 2007

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Paula Mackey All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Matthew 6:21
by Paula Mackey (pmackey) FIRST POTD!
Canon EOS 20-D
Gage, Oklahoma
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
For where your treasure is, there shall your heart be also. -- Matt. 6:21

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Robert Mann commented on April 14, 2007 00:09:
Great lighting and composition, Paula! Glad to see you here. Congrats on your first POTD and I know there will be more!
Tom Briggs commented on April 14, 2007 05:13:
I like the lighting also, nice composition. Congratulations on your POTD Paula.
Diane Blackford commented on April 14, 2007 07:38:
Very nice lighting Paula. I like this image very much. Congrats on your First POTD. I'm sure we will see more from you.
Carol Kalinowski commented on April 14, 2007 12:59:
Wonderful image.Congrats.
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on April 14, 2007 23:32:
Congratulations, Paula, on your POTD! Great composition and complimentary coloring. Also appreciated your unique title and original idea.
paula mackey commented on April 16, 2007 23:54:
Wow! How exciting! Thank you everyone!

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