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Photo of the Day ~ Birds Category ~ August 04, 2008

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Alan Estep All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Bald Eagle Looking For Food
by Alan Estep (ClickinAL) 
Canon EOS 40-D
Seattle, Washington
United States of America

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3.63 (16 votes)
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Suzanne Buckles commented on August 04, 2008 00:27:
What an awesome capture! Great action - where is the location? Super shot Alan!
Lauretta Lew commented on August 04, 2008 00:33:
Alan, Another fine photo! Looking forward to the next POTD from you.
Alan Estep commented on August 04, 2008 00:36:
Suzanne: Thank you. I took this shot along the extreme north shore of Discovery Park in Seattle during a minus tide.
Alan Estep commented on August 04, 2008 00:37:
Thank you Miss Lew!!
mike marshall commented on August 04, 2008 02:44:
Superb capture, Alan. Congratulations on a more than worthy POTD!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on August 04, 2008 10:25:
Excellent BIF shot, Alan! The detail and composition are top notch...big congrats!
Kathy Shogren commented on August 04, 2008 10:30:
Wonderful capture Alan. Congrats on POTD!
ellen hodges commented on August 04, 2008 11:10:
Fantastic capture, Alan!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on August 04, 2008 11:12:
This is an amazing shot! Having the building in the background adds to the mood! Wonderful & well deserved POTD!!
greg maclachlan commented on August 04, 2008 11:14:
what a superb capture with spot on eye focus - more than worthy of POTD tag Alan.
Monnie Ryan commented on August 04, 2008 12:39:
Wow -- and so close to a building! Wonderful detail on this amazing bird. Congratulations!
Corri Garza commented on August 04, 2008 17:22:
Amazing capture....congratulations!
Margaret Barry commented on August 04, 2008 17:46:
Amazing capture. Alan. Great clarity, details and timing!
Caj Källmalm commented on August 04, 2008 19:40:
A great eagle photo! Amazing how you captured it like that - I would only dream to manage that! Congratulations on your awesome POTD!
LaRee Brownell commented on August 04, 2008 20:31:
You are very fortunate to have these majestic birds around you. And even better to be able to snag an image like you have here. Congratulations!
Barbara Socor commented on August 04, 2008 20:34:
Wow! Very excellent capture Alan! Congrats to you.
Alan Estep commented on August 04, 2008 23:40:
Thank you everyone for all of the nice comments. It's always a great feeling to get a POTD on PV. Thank you very much PV.

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