Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Sunday, August 24, 2008 » Photo of the Day ~ Macro: Bugs and Closeups Category ~ August 24, 2008

Photo of the Day ~ Macro: Bugs and Closeups Category ~ August 24, 2008

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Walter Soestbergen All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

If I Was An Alien
by Walter Soestbergen (ToXiQ) 
Canon EOS 40-D

Photographer Notes:
you would believe me. But this is a Blacked tailed skimmer with morning dew. You never will see this one when you stay in your Bed :-)

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3.91 (11 votes)
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tori woods commented on August 24, 2008 00:42:
wow.....the detail here is awesome....
Ken Hinkelman commented on August 24, 2008 03:10:
I have been shooting DF for years, your right I never saw this before. I like the eye facets reflected in the dew. Congratulations on your win here. Nice shot Walter.
Trevor Carpenter commented on August 24, 2008 04:41:
Brilliant capture, I never find them until the sun is well up. Great to see something very different.
thomas borneman commented on August 24, 2008 05:18:
Excellent Walter! You can see the horizon in the drops like fisheye lenses:)
Allan Laverty commented on August 24, 2008 05:30:
Congratulations Walter excellent capture, the early bird catches the worm, or Blacked tailed skimmer in this case
Linda Petersen commented on August 24, 2008 08:19:
Fantastic macro! Congrats!
Linn Smith commented on August 24, 2008 12:15:
Your morning alertness definitely paid off big time with this outstanding capture...amazing! Congratulations on your win today!
brandon daryle commented on August 24, 2008 13:01:
An excellent and unique macro shot...I love the title too. Congrats on your POTD!
Jane Mountain commented on August 24, 2008 15:50:
This is amazing! The detail and capture here are incredible. What more can I say, fantastic job!!
Walter Soestbergen commented on August 24, 2008 17:07:
whow, Thank you all for the nice comments. I just readed that this photo was also nominated in a contest :-) by a television program.
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on August 24, 2008 19:11:
A truly remarkable & amazing shot with an excellent title too. Big congrats on this awesome shot, Walter!
Kathy Shogren commented on August 24, 2008 19:41:
Wow!!! this is so very cool. You're right, I don't get up early enough to catch this. Wonderful capture Walter, congrats on a very well-deserved POTD!
Joyce Webley commented on August 24, 2008 23:33:
Amazing macro - I've never seen one like it! Congratulations, Walter!
Lonnie Facchina commented on August 24, 2008 23:48:
Wow... I love dragonflies, and this beats any of my pics hands down! Awesome shot!
Daryl Geddie commented on August 25, 2008 16:05:
Walter what lens did you use?
Walter Soestbergen commented on August 25, 2008 16:10:
Hello Daryl, I used the Sigma Macro 150mm F2.8 regards Walter
Gigi Reyes commented on March 05, 2010 02:44:
Excellent macro! A great find indeed. Congratulations!

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