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Photo of the Day ~ Scenic & Landscape Category ~ June 16, 2009

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Winston Rockwell All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Snoqualmie Falls
by Winston Rockwell (squirl033) 
Canon EOS 5-D
Snoqualmie, Washington
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
Took a hike down the steep trail to the riverbed for this shot of the falls. It's 270 feet high.. 100 feet taller than Niagara... and when the river's running high with snow-melt like it is now, it's quite a sight. I'd never seen a photo of the falls with these rainbows, so of course, I had to capture the moment...

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3.35 (10 votes)
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Bill Lewis commented on June 16, 2009 01:22:
The rainbows make the whole scene magical, very nice.
Bill Lewis commented on June 16, 2009 01:22:
The rainbows make the whole scene magical, very nice.
Colleen Prohaska commented on June 16, 2009 02:33:
Great composition, Winston. Your hike sure paid off. I will probably have that Twin Peaks song in my head for a while.
Teri Moyer commented on June 16, 2009 08:06:
Beautiful capture made special by the rainbows! Congratulations on your POTD!
Linn Smith commented on June 16, 2009 08:50:
Wow...a dynamic shot especially with the capture of the rainbow! A very beautiful image displaying fine layers and good depth...congratulations on your win today!
Peter Peise commented on June 16, 2009 09:22:
Great perspective and composition. Congratulations on your POTD
Charlene Ahrens commented on June 16, 2009 13:27:
Beautiful landscape!
John Matthews commented on June 16, 2009 13:31:
Wonderful shot of a beautiful scene.Not often you see a double rainbow.Congratulations on a fine POTD.
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on June 16, 2009 15:19:
Beautiful! This one has it all and taken from a great POV! I can almost hear the sound of the falls..and the rainbows just make it all so enchanting! Congrats on a gorgeous POTD!
Raymond Pauly commented on June 16, 2009 18:45:
Outstanding capture with a great POV. Congratulations
Roger Mullenhour commented on June 16, 2009 22:10:
This is a great perspective and well worth the hike down and up. I can feel the power of the falls. Congrats on your POTD!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on June 16, 2009 23:25:
A beautiful capture of a mighty rush of water coming down that huge drop with dynamic force... creating not only one but two rainbows. I am happy that you took the hike down to shoot it...congrats on a beautiful winning composition, Winston!
Ian Wyatt commented on June 17, 2009 05:56:
well captured scene in a beautiful location congats on the well deseved POTD

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