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Photo of the Day ~ Birds Category ~ November 20, 2009

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Roger Hogan All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Harrier Hawk
by Roger Hogan (roger@railroadsusa.com) 
Canon EOS 1-D Mark III
Socorro, New Mexico
United States of America

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4.08 (12 votes)
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Bill Lewis commented on November 20, 2009 00:47:
Outstanding BIF capture, the light in his eye makes the image even better. Fantastic image!
William wrosenthal commented on November 20, 2009 01:02:
Absolutely spectacular shot! Most deserved POTD. Congratulations.
Evy Johansen commented on November 20, 2009 01:05:
Wow... what a wonderful capture, Roger! Big congratulations on your POTD!!
Evy Johansen commented on November 20, 2009 01:06:
Wow... what a wonderful capture, Roger! Big congratulations on your POTD!!
Evy Johansen commented on November 20, 2009 01:06:
Wow... what a wonderful capture, Roger! Big congratulations on your POTD!!
Sue P commented on November 20, 2009 06:35:
Wonderful color and detail ~ congrats!!
Bill Vickers commented on November 20, 2009 07:40:
great shot roger! congrats
Dave Longfellow commented on November 20, 2009 07:57:
Excellent shot--not much more to say (other than wish I could get one like it).
Linn Smith commented on November 20, 2009 09:54:
Outstanding stop action timing with superb lighting and action! A great image, Roger! Congratulations on your win today!
Helen McHugh commented on November 20, 2009 16:55:
An amazing capture of this majestic bird, Roger! The Mark 111 must be an amazing camera..or is it the photographer????!! Big Congratulations!
Lorraine T. Lynch commented on November 20, 2009 17:18:
Beautiful bird! Beautiful shot Roger! Love the intensity in it's eyes....
Roger Hogan commented on November 20, 2009 17:31:
Bill, William, Evy, Sue, Bill, Dave, Linn, Helen & Lorraine thank you all a bunch for such nice comments.
Kathy Pazaryna commented on November 20, 2009 17:59:
Outstanding Capture Roger amazing wing span.
Roger Hogan commented on November 20, 2009 18:00:
Thanks Kathy, a very fun time getting this shot.
Kathy Shogren commented on November 20, 2009 22:56:
Beautiful capture Roger. Congrats on POTD!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on November 20, 2009 23:55:
Another terrific capture, Roger, many congrats!
Roger Hogan commented on November 21, 2009 12:29:
Thanks for the nice comment Kathy
Roger Hogan commented on November 21, 2009 12:30:
Hi Patrice, thanks for looking and for the nice comment.
Renee Harrell commented on November 23, 2009 08:27:
I'm so envious of your images, Roger! Your photography is an inspiration, this one is incredible...exposure detail is breathtaking! Congrats on another outstanding capture!
Roger Hogan commented on November 23, 2009 10:29:
Hi Renee, nice to see your name. Thanks a bunch for the nice words.

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