Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Tuesday, January 19, 2010 » Photo of the Day ~ Birds, Bugs & Beasts Category ~ January 19, 2010

Photo of the Day ~ Birds, Bugs & Beasts Category ~ January 19, 2010

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Winston Rockwell All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Majesty in Motion
by Winston Rockwell (squirl033) 
Canon EOS 40-D
Kirkland, Washington
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
This bald eagle was scanning the lake for fish, and flew by so close I had to back the zoom off to 200mm to get this shot! His stern, proud gaze, powerful wings, and regal bearing are all on display in this shot. Juanita Bay Park.

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3.67 (9 votes)
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Karen Allen commented on January 19, 2010 00:07:
A beautiful in flight capture! Wonderful deatil! Congrats!
Teri Moyer commented on January 19, 2010 07:03:
Fantastic image! WOW! Congratualtions on this image and on you win today!
ellen hodges commented on January 19, 2010 07:07:
Congrats on a fantastic capture, Winston!
Larry Hopkins commented on January 19, 2010 09:48:
Great shot, Winston! What lens did you use to capture this magnificent bald eagle?
Winston Rockwell commented on January 19, 2010 10:28:
Larry, this was shot with a Canon 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L lens
Linn Smith commented on January 19, 2010 12:43:
Wow...what a sight coming right at you! Amazing clarity and excellent focus especially considering your short reaction time! Congratulations on an superb win today!
Renee Harrell commented on January 19, 2010 18:29:
Wow..nature at it's best...! Beautiful capture, Winston! Congratulations on your POTD win!

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