Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Wednesday, July 28, 2010 » Photo of the Day ~ Birds, Bugs & Beasts Category ~ July 28, 2010

Photo of the Day ~ Birds, Bugs & Beasts Category ~ July 28, 2010

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Wayne Suitor All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Ooooh, That Feels So Good!
by Wayne Suitor (Waynecam) 
Olympus E-30
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
Sailor is getting a bath after a riding session in 90 degree heat and is obviously enjoying it. Taken with the Zuiko 70-300 lens at 300mm. Handheld.

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3.75 (4 votes)
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Judy Baum commented on July 28, 2010 01:12:
Excellent and humorous!
Colleen Prohaska commented on July 28, 2010 05:24:
Cool picture. I know just how that horse feels on a hot day.
Lela Johnson commented on July 28, 2010 07:02:
Oh Sailor looks very very happy!
Susan Gordon commented on July 28, 2010 08:02:
Hi Wayne, didn't I tell you????? Congratulations on a great photo and your POTD.
Linn Smith commented on July 28, 2010 12:10:
You can tell Sailor is enjoying every minute of his cooldown...wonderful spray of the water captured with a great expression! Congratulations on your win today!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on July 28, 2010 23:18:
Great expression & capture, Wayne, you can tell Sailor is sure taking it all in...congrats!

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