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Photo of the Day ~ General Category ~ November 11, 2006

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © George Mock All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Remembrance Day
by George Mock (gmockrcpilot) 
Olympus E-300
Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Photographer Notes:
Every Remembrance Day, November 11th, our cemeteries are decorated with flags to honour our fallen veterans.

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Angel Torres (ROLI_PR OTF) commented on November 11, 2006 00:13:
Congratulations for your well desrved POTD CC. It's a beautiful picture. Have a nice day.
Geoff Siddorn commented on November 11, 2006 07:25:
Congratulations on your POTD and a fitting tribute to fallen soldiers on this, remembrance day.
Gerry Meloche commented on November 11, 2006 08:17:
George: Always at the right place at the right time HOW CAN WE FORGET?
Trond Nordland commented on November 11, 2006 11:56:
Sad and beautiful at the same time. Excellent capture as always, George! Congrats on potd!
Joy Cobb commented on November 11, 2006 14:42:
Wonderful Veterans Day rememberance, George. Interesting to see it from the Canadian side, too. Congratulations!
Bob Hall commented on November 11, 2006 15:36:
May it never be in vain. Gongrats, George!
Judy Johnson commented on November 11, 2006 19:05:
Poignant and beautiful, CC. Congratulations on a very moving photo.
Sharon Engstrom commented on November 11, 2006 22:23:
You bring out the best in us, CC, all the time. This is no exception. And congratulations on the POTD

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