Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Sunday, December 3, 2006 » Photo of the Day ~ Scenic & Landscape Category ~ December 03, 2006

Photo of the Day ~ Scenic & Landscape Category ~ December 03, 2006

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Kathy Kuhn All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Hints of Fall
by Kathy Kuhn (Kathy Kuhn) FIRST POTD!
Nikon D-200
United States of America

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K Danyal commented on December 03, 2006 00:10:
Hey Kathy, Congratulations on a beautiful First POTD.
Lois Sturdivant commented on December 03, 2006 00:14:
Ah, nice photo. I have taken some from that spot also, but didn't get there this fall.
Rocky commented on December 03, 2006 01:57:
Gorgeous photo... where was it taken??
MaryAnn Oakland commented on December 03, 2006 06:09:
Ohh w hat a breathtaking photo, beautiful colors with pretty waterfall, congrats on your potd win.
Claudia commented on December 03, 2006 08:44:
See, you do get fall colors in OR! Beautiful capture, congrats on your first potd!
Jan commented on December 03, 2006 09:50:
A type of shot seen so many times before and still so beautifull.... Excellent and congratulations.
Ted Cook commented on December 03, 2006 19:02:
A very beautiful shot. Congratulations on POTD.

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