Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Monday, December 11, 2006 » Photo of the Day ~ Open & Abstract Category ~ December 11, 2006

Photo of the Day ~ Open & Abstract Category ~ December 11, 2006

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Lorraine T. Lynch All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Birthday Wishes
by Lorraine T. Lynch (Lorraine) 
Canon EOS 10-D
Piscataway, New Jerset
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
My son celebrating his birthday!

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lyn commented on December 11, 2006 06:53:
Congrats Lor .... that's a special one to keep !
Lorraine T. Lynch commented on December 11, 2006 07:34:
Thanks Lyn! Thanks Kevin too! My son and I were very happy to see this selected...! They grow so fast.........where does time go?
Admirer commented on December 11, 2006 07:46:
Congrats Lorraine! What a handsome young man....looks alot like his father! lol!
Lorraine commented on December 11, 2006 08:27:
Thanks "Admirer".......splitting image of his father! :)
Kathy Shogren commented on December 11, 2006 10:45:
Congrats Lorraine on this wonerful POTD!
Claudia commented on December 11, 2006 17:26:
Great smile you captured there Lorraine, congrats!
Ted Cook commented on December 11, 2006 21:12:
He looks happy, very nicely captured. Congrats on your POTD.
Bob Hall commented on December 11, 2006 22:12:
Very nice, Lorraine! Very special moment.
Lorraine commented on December 11, 2006 22:30:
Thank you so much Kathy, Claudia, Ted and Bob! :o)
John Snider commented on December 11, 2006 23:47:
One for the scrapbook Lorraine!! Congrats on your meaningful POTD!

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