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Photo of the Day ~ Birds Category ~ December 14, 2006

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Bob Reisinger All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

A Mean and Hungry Look
by Bob Reisinger (navalcover) 
Nikon D-200
Phoenix, Arizona
United States of America

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Kathy Shogren commented on December 14, 2006 01:09:
Wow, what an awesome capture. You'll have to tell me what bird this is, looks like a young one. Congrats on this great POTD!
Mark Westlake commented on December 14, 2006 03:58:
Great shot Bob,he looks really mean!Congrats!
Kathy Pazaryna commented on December 14, 2006 04:48:
Bob What a picture makes you want to touch the feathers until you see that look in his eyes.Congrats on your POTD win
Joy Cobb commented on December 14, 2006 13:27:
He'll peck your eyes out! :) This is just all-around excellent, Bob. Love it. Congrats!
Albert Lo commented on December 14, 2006 19:35:
Congratulations on your excellent POTD :-)
Evy Johansen commented on December 14, 2006 21:36:
Wow.... outstanding image!! BIG congratulations on your POTD, Bob!!
Corri Garza commented on December 14, 2006 22:51:
This is awesome, I love the eyes! Congratulations on your POTD!
Colleen Prohaska commented on December 14, 2006 23:37:
Not only awesome but a really classic quote for the title. Great job.
Bob Reisinger commented on December 15, 2006 16:50:
Thank you all for your nice comments. To answer Kathy's question, this is a Griffin Vulture, and I believe it is an adult. This was taken at the Phoenix Zoo, and they have several all about the same size.

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