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Photo of the Day ~ General Category ~ December 28, 2006

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Sreten Pantelic All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

by Sreten Pantelic (felix) FIRST POTD!
Canon Powershot A85
the church of the St. Lazarus Serbian in the Stapar village

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Evy Johansen commented on December 28, 2006 02:37:
Very beautiful image!! Big congratulations on your POTD!
Sreten commented on December 28, 2006 04:06:
Thanks Evy. I'm just a beginner so I really appreciate your words!
Andrew Boyd commented on December 28, 2006 06:36:
Congratulations on a beautiful photograph and win,Sreten:-)
Sreten commented on December 28, 2006 06:53:
Thank you very much Andrew.
Joy Cobb commented on December 28, 2006 10:11:
Sreten, this is a really pretty composition, and it is so cool to see how things are in other countries. Great view! Keep 'em coming and congrats on your fine first POTD!
Sreten commented on December 28, 2006 10:43:
Thanks a lot Joy.
Mark Westlake commented on December 28, 2006 15:09:
Good composition and the dark sky works great!Congratulations on your first PV POTD Sreten!Many more to come I'm sure.
Sreten commented on December 28, 2006 15:37:
Thank you Mark. I took advantage of the combination of sunny interval with dark clouds. At the end, it turned out well.
Jason eade commented on December 28, 2006 20:55:
Great lighting and colour Sreten,congrats on your POTD
Orthodox commented on December 30, 2006 18:12:
Excellent usage of the light. Keep up the good work Sreten.
Zarko Brankovic commented on December 31, 2006 11:15:
Cestitam Sretene, samo tako nastavi! Stapar ce biti na mapi sveta.
Aleksandar Andric commented on December 12, 2007 09:03:
Koliko ja znam,ovo je jedina fotogrfija ove crkve na netu i zato sve pohvale autoru.

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