Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Sunday, February 25, 2007 » Photo of the Day ~ Open & Abstract Category ~ February 25, 2007

Photo of the Day ~ Open & Abstract Category ~ February 25, 2007

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Hamid Bennett All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

by Hamid Bennett (hamidlmt) FIRST POTD!
Pentax K10D
Gresham, Oregon
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
No Photoshop magic here. My first attempt at a self-portrait, taken earlier this evening. 20s f/8.0 ISO100

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LaRee Brownell commented on February 25, 2007 00:33:
Did you use the multiple exposure or just a long exposure for this image? It came out really great. Congratulations on your first Photography Voice POTD.
James Wei commented on February 25, 2007 01:28:
this is rather amazing. Must be helicopter window with many reflections Congrads!
Hamid Bennett (aka hamidlmt) commented on February 25, 2007 04:17:
hey... thanks for looking! This was taken in my living room, camera propped up on a pillow on the couch. It was a single 20 second exposure. I held a Pentax AF-540 flash at arms length at 1/32, firing it multiple times with the test button and changing positions each time I fired it.
Diane Blackford commented on February 25, 2007 08:00:
Very creative. Congrats on the win.
Ganesha commented on February 25, 2007 08:44:
Painting with light! It's not the technology, it's whatwe do with it. Try it with meditaion pose and mudras...sharp image dramartic contrast. Face and hands. The singular signature of mankind. Cogratlations
Mark Duke commented on February 25, 2007 16:30:
Your work was well worth it
K Danyal commented on February 25, 2007 16:35:
very creative indeed. Nicely done Hamid. Congratulations on your first POTD.

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