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Photo of the Day ~ General Category ~ February 26, 2007

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Hans Gustafsson All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Something Fishy in the Park
by Hans Gustafsson (hagla) FIRST POTD!
Pentax K10D

Photographer Notes:
A ice slide for the kids made as a fish in the central park of Luleå, Sweden.

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Linn Currie commented on February 26, 2007 01:09:
Congratulations on your first POTD!
LaRee Brownell commented on February 26, 2007 01:24:
Cool shot Hans..yep, pun intended. ;) Congrats on your POTD and many more to come!
Ted Cook commented on February 26, 2007 01:24:
I can't say i have ever seen one of those before. Congrats on your POTD.
Julian Chan commented on February 26, 2007 01:56:
The question is, do we have a frying pan big enough? Nice capture, congrats on your POTD
Sherri Aagenes commented on February 26, 2007 07:13:
Very unusual shot indeed, Hans! Is the fish itself made of ice? If so, they really got the details right! Congrats on your first POTD! Sherri...
Barbara Socor commented on February 26, 2007 10:43:
Congrats on this unique image Hans! A nice first POTD!
Hamid Bennett (aka hamidlmt) commented on February 26, 2007 12:40:
Cracking shot! Congrats on your first POTD!!
Julianne commented on February 26, 2007 15:16:
Congratulations on a great shot & exposure.
Gerri Jones commented on February 26, 2007 18:28:
Unique slide for the kids...great capture Hans, congratulations on potd!

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