Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Tuesday, March 6, 2007 » Photo of the Day ~ Macro: Getting Close (03-2007) Category ~ March 06, 2007

Photo of the Day ~ Macro: Getting Close (03-2007) Category ~ March 06, 2007

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Linn Currie All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Pools of Blue
by Linn Currie (Linn Currie) 
Pentax K10D
Irene, Gauteng
South Africa

Photographer Notes:
Yes, her eyes are really that blue :-) This is a Seal Bicolour Tortie Ragdoll queen named Raglin's Picasso's Palette, a name most suitable for this gorgeous girl of ours. (Lens : Sigma 17-70mm F2.8-4.5 MACRO S/S 1/45 F4.5 ISO 200 Focal length : 70mm) (Post processing : Crop, sized, levels, USM)

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Gordon Haywood commented on March 06, 2007 00:11:
Congratulations Linn, another excellent image. Your composition is a winner here!
Bev commented on March 06, 2007 00:20:
Linn, magnificent pic. You and Tortos both deserve this win, she's gorgeous :-))
Julia Serrao commented on March 06, 2007 00:41:
Stunning Linn, you really captured her beautiful blue eyes perfectly!
Série Pietersen commented on March 06, 2007 00:43:
Excellent Linn.
Elisa commented on March 06, 2007 00:46:
Congrats again, Linn ... you are the BEST! This is such an adorable shot ... love everything about it; the angle, the eye contact, crop. And the focus is exactly where it should be - on the stunning pools of blue! Irresistible!!!
Linn Currie commented on March 06, 2007 00:51:
Elisa - coming from you that is one heck of a compliment! Thank you :-)
Betsy A commented on March 06, 2007 00:57:
Wow - beautiful color! Nice shot.
Hayley commented on March 06, 2007 01:35:
Stunning! You must take more shots of these adorable babies of yours...
Christelle commented on March 06, 2007 02:43:
"Only one word, FANTASTIC!"
Hanli Kriel commented on March 06, 2007 02:50:
Amazing , I Love it! Baie Pragtig!!!
Arty Elias commented on March 06, 2007 03:15:
As my baby kittens mother, she is a beauty! Linn, God has blessed you with a gift to bring the soul of life out in your photography. Congrats!!!
Dean Mengel commented on March 06, 2007 04:34:
Nice tigtht composition Linn
Lynette Stewart commented on March 06, 2007 05:08:
Absolutely Fabulous
Theresa Fouche commented on March 06, 2007 05:15:
Hi Linnie, Tortos certainly deserves the win, and so do you. Well done.
Becky Hammett commented on March 06, 2007 07:40:
My Linn, Once again I find myself lost for the words to express the beauty of your photos. Tortos' eyes are pools of beauty and tranquility. Keep up the magnificent work.
Lucy Arends Wagner commented on March 06, 2007 07:43:
Being a great cat lover, this photo 'spoke' to me. It is such a lovely photo, I Love it! Well done Linn
MariaanH commented on March 06, 2007 09:03:
Alex Antunes commented on March 06, 2007 09:32:
Thats just beautiful work as well as a beautiful Tortos :)
Kathy Pazaryna commented on March 06, 2007 15:56:
GREAT CAPTURE Linn beautiful cat and great color congrats on your WIN
Kathy Shogren commented on March 06, 2007 19:14:
Beautiful closeup Linn. Congrats on POTD!
gail emerton commented on March 07, 2007 03:53:
congrats Linn! the eyes of your ragdolls never fail to amaze me- they truely are the windows to the soul which you have captured to perfection!
andre wheeler commented on March 11, 2007 20:12:
Beautiful eyes

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