Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Wednesday, April 4, 2007 » Photo of the Day ~ Wildlife & Bugs Category ~ April 04, 2007

Photo of the Day ~ Wildlife & Bugs Category ~ April 04, 2007

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Vicki Harrison All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

by Vicki Harrison (petmagnet) 
Sony Cyber Shot DSC-H1
Jay, Florida
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
A sure sign that Spring is definitely upon us, this Willowfly, (also known as a Mayfly), landed on my daughters sweater while on a family outing at the river. This is my first sighting up close of these fast and intriguing insects.

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Sylvia commented on April 04, 2007 00:54:
Ieww ! First time I see such an insect, I think I would freak out if it were my sweater..loll Big congrats on this fantastic macro and POTD Vicky :O)
Sreten commented on April 04, 2007 01:16:
Superb macro of this unusual insect. Congrats for your POTD!
Kirsten Kjaer commented on April 04, 2007 03:10:
Amazing capture,Vicki. Congratulations!
Kathy Pazaryna commented on April 04, 2007 06:21:
Great capture Vicki congrats on your potd win
Kathy Shogren commented on April 04, 2007 09:43:
Wow, a great macro Vicki. Congrats on POTD!
Corey Bigler commented on April 04, 2007 11:25:
Way to go Pet!!!! Excellent work!
Vicki Harrison..."Pet" commented on April 04, 2007 13:42:
Thanks everyone! I loved this 'fortunate' capture the moment I downloaded from my camera. I hope to see more of these fascinating creatures this summer if I am lucky! Have a great day all! :)
LaRee Brownell commented on April 04, 2007 23:43:
That is one SHARP shot Vicki. Nice work!

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