Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Friday, June 8, 2007 » Photo of the Day ~ Three (06-2007) Category ~ June 08, 2007

Photo of the Day ~ Three (06-2007) Category ~ June 08, 2007

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Sven Gude All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Dancing Cords
by Sven Gude (seemolf) 
Panasonic Lumix FZ-5

Photographer Notes:
In coloured stroboscopic light

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3.79 (12 votes)
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Robert Mann commented on June 08, 2007 00:21:
Wonderful for the theme and very interesting to view, Sven. Congrats on your win!
Ella D. commented on June 08, 2007 00:29:
Wow! You really have a knack for these unusual photos. Congratulations, another fantastic image!
Evy Johansen commented on June 08, 2007 01:05:
This is cool, Sven! Big congratulations on your POTD!
Hamid Bennett commented on June 08, 2007 04:05:
Beam me up, Scotty! This is Star Trek come to life! Spiffy shot!
Helen McHugh commented on June 08, 2007 04:28:
Wow! Perfect theme capture, Sven! I'm speechless! Congratulations on this outstanding POTD!
Joe Shah commented on June 08, 2007 04:49:
Congrats Sven! Very imaginative,original and beautifully photographed!
Sven Gude (seemolf) commented on June 08, 2007 06:32:
thanks, Robert, Ella, Evy, Hamid, Helen and Joe. The science centers are a gold mine for cameras with tripods. Low light is a serious problem, but there are objects that tolerate longer exposures.
Diane Blackford commented on June 08, 2007 07:08:
This is awesome capture for the theme entry. Congrats on your POTD Sven
Kathy Shogren commented on June 08, 2007 09:37:
Beautiful theme entry Sven. Congrats!!!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on June 08, 2007 11:27:
Simply stunning, Sven! Very original and a nice choice for the category. Congratulations on a lovely POTD!
Claudia commented on June 08, 2007 11:37:
This is so cool Sven! Congrats on your win!
LaRee Brownell commented on June 08, 2007 12:50:
Very cool. Nice shooting. Congrats!

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