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Photo of the Day ~ Open & Abstract Category ~ June 22, 2007

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Lorraine T. Lynch All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Colors of Light
by Lorraine T. Lynch (Lorraine) 
Canon EOS 10-D
Piscataway, New Jersey
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
any guess how I made this? :)

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3.70 (10 votes)
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Lynn Wiezycki commented on June 22, 2007 07:08:
I have no idea, but it is awesome!
Gord Barter commented on June 22, 2007 07:24:
Not Sure, does not matter, GREAT SHOT Lorraine. Wonderful colour Congrats!
Kathy Pazaryna commented on June 22, 2007 08:30:
Great Creative Shot Lorraine my guess is alot of colorful rubber bands used for your hair or else wrist bands/Bracelets then you placed them on a mirror and took multi shots with different settings till you got the effect you wanted. Congrats on your win and you better at the end of the day give us all the answer if not remember I know where you live.lol
Claudia commented on June 22, 2007 08:35:
Cool colorful abstract Loraine, congrats!
Carolyn Fox commented on June 22, 2007 09:33:
This is really cool. How did you do it? Congrats!
NatalieW commented on June 22, 2007 09:56:
Very beautiful colors! Love how you did this
Rick commented on June 22, 2007 13:50:
Playin with your Glow Stick again!....HA!
LaRee Brownell commented on June 22, 2007 14:49:
My only guess would be the colorful glow bands that they sell at fairs etc. I can't wait to hear how you did this. I love it!
Joy Cobb commented on June 22, 2007 16:08:
I think it was somebody whirling around Glo Necklaces while you shot with a slow speed? Cool, Lorraine. Congrats!
Lorraine T. Lynch commented on June 22, 2007 16:40:
Thanks PV and to all of you that commented on my image! I truly appreciate it! This is actually a light stick that changes colors and has sparkles inside and it is on a rope! My oldest son won it at a college grad party! (Don't ask me how he won it, LOL!) :) My youngest son twirled it around in circles in the dark and wha-la! His arm was getting tired so I settled on this image being the best! :) Thanks for all your wonderful comments! Hey, Kevin.......maybe you should start a new category
Lorraine T. Lynch commented on June 22, 2007 16:41:
Continued.... Hey, Kevin.......maybe you should start a new category that would be "Guess What It Is?" or "How Is It Done"? It would stir up imagination! Have a great weekend!
Lorraine T. Lynch commented on June 22, 2007 16:43:
Cute Rick.......yup, playing again! :)
Lorraine commented on June 22, 2007 17:52:
My suggestion would be a new category but no software manipulation.......! Just the camera!
Helen McHugh commented on June 22, 2007 18:04:
Brilliant capture, Lorraine! Glad you explained! Congratulations!
Linn Smith commented on June 22, 2007 18:08:
Very unique and creative producing a one of a kind image - congratulations on your POTD!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on June 22, 2007 20:55:
Wow, is this a great capture or what??? Striking colors, movement and an incredible image for this category. Great eye to see the possibilities in it, Lorraine. Congratulations on your win today!
Chris Picard commented on June 22, 2007 21:45:
I love it. Great imagination.

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