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Photo of the Day ~ General Category ~ July 03, 2007

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Image copyright © Antonio Timms All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Evil Protest
by Antonio Timms (bigdog0862) 
Olympus E-500
Junction City, Kansas
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
This was taken outside of the gates of US Army Post at Ft. Riley Kansas. Sometimes we have to put up with this kind of hate to appreciate all the good people in the world

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3.38 (13 votes)
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Joy Cobb commented on July 03, 2007 07:18:
Hmmm...makes you wonder what God they stand for. I wonder if their "God" laughed on 9/11, too. Don't get me started... :( Interesting capture, Antonio. How were you able to shoot this with your mouth shut? ;) Congrats on your POTD.
Kevin L. Kitchens commented on July 03, 2007 07:55:
I'm impressed he "shot" only with his camera!
Glenn Urquhart commented on July 03, 2007 10:47:
Very Powerful Image!!! aside... My son is an Officer in the USMC! Remember, he has sworn to die for their rights to wish him dead. Again, Powerful Image!
Kathy Shogren commented on July 03, 2007 11:00:
Wonderful capture of the times that we live in Antonio. I heard on the news several days ago that there have been 148 soldiers killed in Iraq from Ft. Riley alone. And to think that they died protecting the freedom of people like this. So sad.
Joy Cobb commented on July 03, 2007 11:03:
God bless your son and keep him safe, Glenn.
Sandra Freeman commented on July 03, 2007 11:04:
I agree with Glenn wholeheartedly. My son is a Corporal in the USMC and presently training for his second deployment to Iraq. Since I am guessing this is the same sick group that protests at military funerals, I would say this image illustrates our freedoms of speech, assembly, and religion in a very profound way. In order for our great country to allow us these freedoms, we have to take the bad with the good. Congratulations Antonio on a well deserved POTD.
Dimitri commented on July 03, 2007 11:39:
More of a social statement than good photo.
paula mackey commented on July 03, 2007 12:24:
I have to disagree with Dimitri. What makes an extremely good photo IS it's statement. This image has not only that, but excellent exposure under harsh conditions and wonderful tones. The composition is very good also. This is A in my book.
Joy Cobb commented on July 03, 2007 13:57:
I disagree, too, Dimitri. The most outlandish sign and the American flag dragging the ground is on the Rule of Thirds. It is controversial, but that makes it all the more interesting...it provokes a strong reaction, one way or the other!
Helen McHugh commented on July 03, 2007 17:59:
Excellent documentary capture, Antonio. I watched a documentary about this "group" recently..they hold very strange ideals! My thoughts are with all of you who have family members in the US forces.
Libby Bracewell commented on July 05, 2007 18:15:
These people are the armpits of our country......
Antonio Timms commented on July 05, 2007 21:01:
Keep in mind I was parked in my car across the street because I did not want to draw any unwanted attention to the area. I am thankful to every U.S. service member and family. I have a new respect for the US Military because of all the young men aand women who are in harms way. We love you all here in lil' ole Junction City Kansas.

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