Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Monday, July 9, 2007 » Photo of the Day ~ Macro: Bugs and Closeups Category ~ July 09, 2007

Photo of the Day ~ Macro: Bugs and Closeups Category ~ July 09, 2007

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Bud Hensley All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

My... What Big Eyes You Have...
by Bud Hensley (Bud) 
Pentax K10D
Middletown, Ohio
United States of America

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4.25 (22 votes)
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Evy Johansen commented on July 09, 2007 01:26:
Fantastic macro, Bud! Congratulations on your POTD!
Joe Shah commented on July 09, 2007 07:05:
You've done it again Bud! You are The Man!
Linn Smith commented on July 09, 2007 07:38:
Wow - outstanding up close look at this insect with wonderful clarity - congratulations on your POTD!
Dan Marquis commented on July 09, 2007 08:32:
Wow! is right. Superb macro. Nice work. Congrats
Pat Abbott commented on July 09, 2007 08:56:
Wow! Very neat and interesting macro, congrats!
Glenn Urquhart commented on July 09, 2007 08:58:
Outstanding clarity, detail, color, dof and lighting... Beautiful Macro!!!
Mark Westlake commented on July 09, 2007 09:44:
That is close!Congrats Bud!
Tom Briggs commented on July 09, 2007 09:50:
Great macro Bud. Congratulations on your POTD.
Susan Gordon commented on July 09, 2007 11:05:
Amazing eyes -- only a camera could capture that! Beautifully done! Congratulations.
Claudia commented on July 09, 2007 12:43:
Wonderful details! Terrific macro, great colors! Congrats!
Joy Cobb commented on July 09, 2007 15:54:
Whoa, Bud! Fantastic detail on those eyeballs...looks like mesh. Just wonderful! Congratulations!
Helen McHugh commented on July 09, 2007 17:25:
I will never look at these little guys in the same light again...this is just a stunning capture, Bud! Susan is right....I don't think we could see such detail with the naked eye!!?? Congrats !
Diane Blackford commented on July 09, 2007 20:15:
Fantastic macro. And the title is very fitting. Congrats on your POTD
Bud Hensley commented on July 09, 2007 21:13:
Thanks, all, for the comments! The camera remarks are right on target... I couldn't believe the eyes of this tiny fly! (This macro thing is a little addictive :) Thanks again! Bud
John Snider commented on July 09, 2007 23:33:
Whoa, that's close Bud! Nice shot! Congrats on your POTD!
Marcia Smith commented on July 15, 2007 08:35:
Wow! Fantastic macro. Congrats!
Gena  commented on July 15, 2007 19:01:
Wow ewwwwhhh amazing
Vlado Ferencic commented on September 20, 2011 01:16:
excellent macro

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