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Photo of the Day ~ General Category ~ July 23, 2007

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Evy Johansen All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

by Evy Johansen (evy) 
Canon EOS 350-D / Canon Digital Rebel XT

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2.92 (26 votes)
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SaMi Martin commented on July 23, 2007 00:12:
Great macro Evy! Congratulations!
Gerda Grice commented on July 23, 2007 01:56:
Superb detail and sharpness and great colours, Evy! Many congratulations on your POTD for this and on your double!
Evy Johansen commented on July 23, 2007 02:04:
Thank you SaMi and Gerda!! Thank you PV for selecting this image as POTD today!!
Evy Johansen commented on July 23, 2007 02:04:
Thank you SaMi and Gerda!! Thank you PV for selecting this image as POTD today!!
Glenn Urquhart commented on July 23, 2007 07:21:
Amazing clarity and detail, brilliant color, Outstanding lighting and contrast and a Very Well Done, Evy!!!
Linn Smith commented on July 23, 2007 08:05:
Terrific macro idea and striking execution of their design with a slight mix to offset total red. Congratulations on your POTD!
Evy Johansen commented on July 23, 2007 11:01:
Thanks a lot, Glenn and Linn!
Walt Wilkitis commented on July 23, 2007 11:57:
Great imagination. Such a simple shot done so well.
Mark Westlake commented on July 23, 2007 12:51:
Well seen Evy,makes a great subject.Congrats!
Helen McHugh commented on July 23, 2007 17:19:
Well seen & captured, Evy! Congratulations on your POTD!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on July 23, 2007 18:20:
Congratulations on your nice "tubal" images, Evy! Extremely creative, detailed and clever.
Dan Morgan commented on July 23, 2007 20:55:
nice colors, and love the way the red tubes are all curley and the grey tubes are (fairly) straight. Makes a nice contrast.
Evy Johansen commented on July 23, 2007 23:25:
Thank you very mudh Walt, Mark, Helen, Patrice and Dan!!

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