Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Thursday, September 13, 2007 » Photo of the Day ~ Shades of Grey Category ~ September 13, 2007

Photo of the Day ~ Shades of Grey Category ~ September 13, 2007

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Joy Cobb All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Let's Roll
by Joy Cobb (JoyCobb) 
Kodak Z612
Shanksville, Pennsylvania
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
United Flight 93 Memorial on 9-11-07.

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3.13 (20 votes)
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Doug Perry commented on September 13, 2007 06:12:
Congrats Joy. Nice light and POV.
Diane Blackford commented on September 13, 2007 06:12:
Wonderful capture Joy. The rain on the plaque is symbolic of the many tears that were shed over the loss of lives on 9/11. Thanks for helping us remember, and Congrats on your POTD.
Kirsten Kjaer commented on September 13, 2007 06:17:
Wonderful capture, Joy. Congratulations on your potd today.
Glenn Urquhart commented on September 13, 2007 07:48:
Very Powerful B&W Composition!!!
Joy Cobb commented on September 13, 2007 07:55:
Thank you, Doug, Diane, Kirsten and Glenn. There were many people there to pay tribute to these brave souls. Our local media said that people have forgotten, but I think it's the media that has lost interest. The American people still very much care and mourn our loss that day. The bells tolled as each of these forty names was read. People said the Pledge and sang "God Bless America" and stayed for hours leaving little tributes for the heroes of Flight 93.
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on September 13, 2007 09:38:
I recall from one of your comments on 9/11 your mentioning that you were going to this memorial site for the day. Your image is a moving reminder and tribute to those who gave their lives so heroically on Flight 93. I lived relatively close to that area at the time and recall well the moment when it all took place. I shall never forget it and I myself have been to this site. I agree with Diane who expressed it so well: "The rain on the plaque is symbolic of the many tears that were shed over the loss o
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on September 13, 2007 09:47:
Sorry, I do not know why the remainder of my comments did not get posted, Joy. I love how you captured the rain on this memorial stone, and like your POV and overall comp. Congratulations on this moving POTD tribute!
Tom Briggs commented on September 13, 2007 14:10:
Great photo, Joy. It is not always what you shoot but what you capture. This photo has captured meaning. Congrats on your POTD.
Joy Cobb commented on September 13, 2007 21:26:
Thank you for your thoughtful comments, Patrice and Tom.
Linn Smith commented on September 13, 2007 22:18:
Congratulations on your wonderful POTD - I am late checking in and having trouble with the computer thus the reason for being so brief - congratulations again!
Kathy Shogren commented on September 13, 2007 23:22:
Very touching image Joy. Congrats on POTD!

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