Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Tuesday, October 2, 2007 » Photo of the Day ~ Education (10-2007) Category ~ October 02, 2007

Photo of the Day ~ Education (10-2007) Category ~ October 02, 2007

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Kirk Stergiou All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Sensei Yogi
by Kirk Stergiou (Falcons) 
Pentax *ist DS
Perth, Western Australia

Photographer Notes:
I had the honour of attending a week long Kobudo seminar held by two of the most highly ranked Martial Arts masters from Okinawa- Sensei Gakaya and Sensei Yogi both 8th Dans in Matayoshi Kobudo. Sensei Yogi is the subject of my photo and is 73 years old and still training every day, a truly inspirational individual. Taken in a dimly lit Gym at the University of Western Australia with a Pentax SMC M 100mm F2.8 Lens (no flash) - fully manual lens. Love the old Pentax Glass.

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3.29 (26 votes)
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René Box commented on October 02, 2007 04:39:
You've done well in this dimly lit environmet without a flash. The expression on the old guy's face is priceless!! Well done on your POTD!
Evy Johansen commented on October 02, 2007 05:16:
Great capture, Kirk! Congratulations on your POTD!!
Helen McHugh commented on October 02, 2007 05:50:
A wonderful capture, Kirk, with great expression! Congratulations!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on October 02, 2007 10:46:
A terrific candid capture with a marvelous expression. What a terrific opportunity you experienced as mentioned in your narrative. Nice comp and lighting. Congratulations on this fitting entry for the category which is very well done!
Tom Briggs commented on October 02, 2007 19:53:
Well done, Kirk. Congrats on your POTD.
B.Batten commented on October 02, 2007 20:51:
A very appropriate entry for this catagory. Great lighting, wonderful no flash job. Love the expression. Congratulations on POTD
Linn Smith commented on October 02, 2007 22:03:
Terrific expresseion and wonderful entry in this education theme category. Congratulatons on your POTD win today!

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