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Photo of the Day ~ Street Scenes Category ~ October 09, 2007

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Mark van Oers All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Italian Street Life #4
by Mark van Oers (Perceptron) 
Pentax K10D

Photographer Notes:
92.5mm, 1/100s, f/8, +0.3EV, ISO-1000

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4.07 (22 votes)
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Bill Foxworthy commented on October 09, 2007 06:43:
What a great capture Mark, congratulations!
Helen McHugh commented on October 09, 2007 07:14:
Wonderful camdid capture, Mark! Congratulations!
Helen McHugh commented on October 09, 2007 07:15:
Oops! Sorry! That should read " candid"!!
Glenn Urquhart commented on October 09, 2007 09:43:
Fantastic capture, Excellent use of sepia, Outstanding tones, lighting and contrast, WELL Composed and VERY WELL DONE, Mark!!!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on October 09, 2007 12:58:
Great street scene and so tastefully done in sepia tones. A marvelous candid image. Love how those Italians talk with their hands. I am one myself. Congratulations on a fine POTD, Mark!
charlane commented on October 09, 2007 14:16:
I love this shot. it tells such a great story and the sephia really adds to the voice of the photo. Congrats!
Mark commented on October 09, 2007 16:11:
Thank you all for your compliments! Allthough I find street photography to be very difficult (you have to think and act fast), it's the most rewarding when getting captures like this...
Bud commented on October 09, 2007 21:28:
Really nice street scene, Mark, and the sepia is perfect.
Joyce Webley commented on October 09, 2007 23:49:
I really love this shot. The expressions on the men's faces are adorable and the sepia is perfect! Congratulations, Mark!

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