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Photo of the Day ~ Macro: Bugs and Closeups Category ~ October 15, 2007

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Kathy Shogren All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Sneakin' In the Backdoor
by Kathy Shogren (shogy) 
Canon EOS 30-D
Assaria, Kansas
United States of America

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3.98 (23 votes)
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Robin-Lee Vieira commented on October 15, 2007 00:24:
2 words...superb & adorable!!!!
LaRee Brownell commented on October 15, 2007 00:42:
Kathy this is a superb image. I am speechless! And hey that doesn't happen often. ;-)
Glenn Urquhart commented on October 15, 2007 06:50:
Fantastic clarity, color, lighting, contrast... Beautiful Macro, Kathy!!!
SaMi Martin commented on October 15, 2007 07:09:
Great macro Kathy; Congratulations!
Renee commented on October 15, 2007 07:32:
Oh My! Poor butterfly...happy spider! I'm sure the butterfly doesn't know this is possibly his last meal...Awesome capture! Suberb, rich details! Congratulations on the POTD win!
Roger Hogan commented on October 15, 2007 13:30:
Mighty nice
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on October 15, 2007 13:50:
How many times do you see two brilliantly captured creatures in between a lovely floral comp? The only ones I have seen previously have been captured by you. You certainly have studied insects and excel in presenting remarkable images of them. This is another superb example, Kathy!
Mark Westlake commented on October 15, 2007 14:31:
Another superb macro Kathy,congrats!
Gerda Grice commented on October 15, 2007 16:13:
Wow, Kathy, this is one of the most amazing macros I've ever seen! Many congratulations on your POTD!
Kathy Shogren commented on October 15, 2007 17:42:
Thanks so much Robin-Lee, LaRee, Glenn, SaMi, Renee, Roger, Patrice, Mark, and Gerda. Thanks Kevin for choosing this today. To tell the truth, I didn't even see the spider when I took this shot. Was a bonus I guess.
Barbara Socor commented on October 15, 2007 18:14:
What an amazing capture Kathy! Technically perfect and just so dramatic really....a memorable capture of nature in action. Big congrats!
Bob Reisinger commented on October 15, 2007 18:41:
This is one of those photos that you just have to say, "Wish that I had taken it!" What a fantastic shot of the spider waiting for a meal. Kathy, my computer hard drive crashed a couple of weeks ago and I lost my address book. When you get a chance, please send me your email address again. Also, thank you for the nice comments on my photo. Best regards, Bob
Tom Briggs commented on October 15, 2007 18:59:
Great macro, Kathy. Love the color and clarity. That butterfly better not linger too long or it will be the end. Congrats on your superb POTD.
Joyce Webley commented on October 15, 2007 21:36:
Yikes! The butterfly is in for a surprise. What a great capture, Kathy. I think I even see an ant! Popular sunflower! Congratulations on your POTD!
Kathy Shogren commented on October 15, 2007 23:04:
Thank you Barbara, Bob, Tom, and Joyce.
Sylvia commented on October 20, 2007 03:52:
One word - AWESOME !! Big congrats on this fantastic POTD Kathy :o)

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