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Photo of the Day ~ General Category ~ October 31, 2007

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Diman Oschepkov All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Fountain in Siberia
by Diman Oschepkov (Digital Zombie) 
Pentax K10D
Russian Federation

Photographer Notes:
Wait till all people gone... Wash all around the fountain to get the reflections... and started to take images! Siberia, end of September.

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3.46 (23 votes)
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Glenn Urquhart commented on October 31, 2007 11:20:
Excellent camera work, Colorful and Beautiful Night Composition, Diman!!!
LaRee Brownell commented on October 31, 2007 11:36:
I really like the way this image came out Diman. Maybe a bit of a crop off the bottom would improve? Regardless, a beautiful image for POTD.
Kathy Pazaryna commented on October 31, 2007 17:37:
Very Nice Capture Diman like all the colors in the fountain water. Congrats on your POTD win.
Linn Smith commented on October 31, 2007 17:45:
Definitely worth the extra work as the end product is terrific - congratulations on your POTD!
Stu commented on October 31, 2007 20:27:
Nice picture Diman I agree with Linn, that it was worth the extra work. However I also have to agree with LaRee that a crop off the bottom would improve it.

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