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Photo of the Day ~ General Category ~ November 07, 2007

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Katherine Finch All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

The Swimmer
by Katherine Finch (finches) 
Olympus E-1
Honolulu, Hawaii
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
I was up on a cliff overlooking this beach when I watched him go into the water for a swim.

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3.43 (27 votes)
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LaRee Brownell commented on November 07, 2007 01:50:
This image really draws me in. The bright reflection in the water seems like a sea creature waiting. The reef and sea floor variations add another sense of foreboding to me. The wee swimmer entering the water in the corner of a frame of vast ocean brings it all together. Some might see it as a relaxing dip at the beach. I hope I haven't ruined that nice vision for them. But I had to share what this image says to me. It really is a great image Katherine!
David Williams commented on November 07, 2007 07:04:
Congratulations Katherine! Timing was everything with this photo imo. The world is big and we are so small. Yet, we are a part of it.
Linn Smith commented on November 07, 2007 07:17:
So richly composed and seen - I agree with LaRee on how much the image compels the viewer into the photo with the variations of the patterns of the water with signs of foreboding and awe. This is a terrific capture and congratulations!
Juanita commented on November 07, 2007 08:41:
Magnificent....He looks like he's going to be swallowed up...Congrats!
Glenn Urquhart commented on November 07, 2007 13:40:
Beautiful Capture and Composition, Katherine!!!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on November 07, 2007 15:40:
Lovely capture and comp, Katherine! Congratulations!
Barbara Socor commented on November 07, 2007 16:12:
I see it pretty much the way LaRee does.....an image of power and foreboding, a powerful statement of scale -just how massive the natural world is and how small (and often brave) we are in it....An excellent and memorable image Katherine. Congrats.
Barbara Socor commented on November 07, 2007 16:13:
BTW, where were you situated to get such an excellent composition?

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