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Photo of the Day ~ Street Scenes Category ~ November 07, 2007

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Antoni Latunowicz All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Fall Morning
by Antoni Latunowicz (kristofo) 
Pentax K100D
Ketrzyn City

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3.13 (20 votes)
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Linn Smith commented on November 07, 2007 07:36:
Wonderful "fall morning" capture of your part of the world. Congratulations on a beautiful image for your POTD win !
Renee Harrell commented on November 07, 2007 07:53:
Very nice! I like the subtle extra sparkle from the car and motorcylce lights. The softer, muted colors of the back buildng where the sun is rising accentuate the depth of the scene. Well done and congratulations on the POTD!
Glenn Urquhart commented on November 07, 2007 13:58:
Wonderful Color, Lighting and contrast, Well Composed and Quite Beautiful, Antoni!!!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on November 07, 2007 16:13:
A lovely street scene with nice soft lighting and much colorful detail. Great perspective too. I especially like the 2 walking down the sidewalk in the scene which draws one eye into it. Congratulations, Antoni!
Kathy Shogren commented on November 07, 2007 18:22:
Very pretty fall scene captured so well Antoni. Congrats on POTD!

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