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Photo of the Day ~ Birds Category ~ December 19, 2007

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Image copyright © Chris Picard All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

On The Wing
by Chris Picard (Sax Man) 
Olympus E-510
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
Snow Geese in flight near the western slopes of the North Cascades. Skagit County.

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3.70 (15 votes)
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Joyce Webley commented on December 19, 2007 08:18:
What a great shot, Chris! I know I should know, being a Washingtonian, but are they just passing through or do they stay around? I'd love to see them! Congratulations on a beautiful sight for sure!
Renee Harrell commented on December 19, 2007 08:47:
Now that's a lot of birds in one place...! Congrats on the POTD!
Chris Picard commented on December 19, 2007 09:40:
Joyce - These are migratory bird that winter on Fir Island and Skagit Bay from late October through early Match. I just go up there and drive around until I spot them. Then you need to wait until something spooks them and they all get up in the air. It is a magnificent sight when that occurs.
Tom Downer commented on December 19, 2007 11:29:
Chris, I went up to Fir Island last January to "shoot geese". I agree; it's quite a sight (and noisy, too!). Congrats on your POTD- great shot!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on December 19, 2007 12:26:
An outstanding and well timed shot, Chris, and I love your title too! Congratulations!!!
Bev Way commented on December 19, 2007 12:47:
Excellent shot Chris, you have all the bird in focus and background is complimenting them, congrats.
Linn Smith commented on December 19, 2007 15:16:
Hard to focus on so many at once while in flight...an excellent capture. Congratulations on your beautiful POTD!
Bill Foxworthy commented on December 19, 2007 18:52:
Excellent focus and detail here Chris, congratulations!
Alan Estep commented on December 19, 2007 20:59:
A very smooth and flowing composition. Great shot Chris. The Snow Geese stand out so beautifuly with those soft background details, it really draws my eye into the image. Congrats!
Al Mullen commented on December 19, 2007 23:08:
Great shot and stopping of action.

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