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Photo of the Day ~ Animals & Wildlife Category ~ January 13, 2008

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Alan Estep All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Locked on Target
by Alan Estep (ClickinAL) 
Canon EOS 40-D
Seattle, Washington
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
This coyote hunted while I quietly looked on and captured a few frames. He did end up catching a rather large rabbit for breakfast.. Discovery Park.

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4.46 (24 votes)
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Bev Way commented on January 13, 2008 03:30:
What an excellent picture, brilliant capture, sharp and lots of detail. You managed to capture the intense concentration of the coyote, congrats Alan
Sylvia commented on January 13, 2008 04:25:
Awesome shot Alan !! Congrats
Kirsten Kjaer commented on January 13, 2008 05:15:
TOTALLY AWESOME shot, Alan. I've seen this posture so many time in dogs but I've never seen it captured. And to have the opportunity to capture a free coyote like that is a dream of mine. Very intense moment. SUPERB. Big congratulations.
Mark Westlake commented on January 13, 2008 05:26:
Great capture Alan,congrats!
Maxine Dennis commented on January 13, 2008 06:38:
Great shot Alan. Congrats on your POTD.
Kim commented on January 13, 2008 08:18:
Fantastic capture, Alan! What lens did you use? Just wondering how close you were able to get to him?
bicyclecam commented on January 13, 2008 08:57:
Great action shot of a beautiful animal - congrats
Kumiko Parkinson commented on January 13, 2008 09:06:
Super shot! My first thought, "Look at his eyes!" and then, you got it as a title! Big Congratulations, Alan!
Renee Harell commented on January 13, 2008 09:56:
Awesome action shot, Alan! Right place, right time, excelllent camera work, can't ask for more! Well done! Congrats on the POTD!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on January 13, 2008 12:14:
A shot of excellence with perfect timing, Alan!!! A rare and outstanding capture of a coyote in the midst of his hunt. Simply brilliant!! Congratulations!!!
Jorge commented on January 13, 2008 15:18:
Excellent picture. Perfect timing as well
Linn Smith commented on January 13, 2008 18:21:
Terrific stop action timing of a rare and most unusual sight...a remarkable feat! Congratulations on a photo of supreme quality for POTD!
Alan Estep commented on January 13, 2008 20:54:
Thank you so much for all the great comments!! To Kim: I used a 300mm lens for a series of shots, this one is somewhere within 40 feet. It varied between 10 feet and 200 feet. A fulfilling and thrilling adrenalin rushed morning it was!!
Alan Estep commented on January 13, 2008 20:54:
Thank you so much for all the great comments!! To Kim: I used a 300mm lens for a series of shots, this one is somewhere within 40 feet. It varied between 10 feet and 200 feet. A fulfilling and thrilling adrenalin rushed morning it was!!
Kevin L. Kitchens commented on January 15, 2008 23:37:
Very, very nice.
Rusty Thurman commented on January 19, 2008 13:17:
As a hunter, it is experiencing the rare moments like this [Locked on Target] that I cherish far more than a trophy game yet describing the event as it occurred is a poor depiction that merely entertains the listener for a matter of moments. To have captured such a perfect moment is priceless. To say the least, I admire your work Alan.
Helen commented on January 20, 2008 11:57:
What an incredible image you captured Alan. I looked at the Discovery Park web site. Low and behold one of your images is the cover shot for their 2008 Discovery Park calendar! Great work!!

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