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Photo of the Day ~ Photographic Art & HDR Category ~ March 01, 2008

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Bill Turner All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

by Bill Turner (Bootstrap) 
Olympus E-330
Jupiter, Florida
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
Jupiter Beach restoration project.

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3.63 (15 votes)
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Lois Sturdivant commented on March 01, 2008 01:17:
I really like this, Bill, as I have liked all of your "extreme" PP projects. Obviously it is in the "Photographic Artwork" category for a reason!
Susan Gordon commented on March 01, 2008 02:02:
Looks like you had fun doing that one, Bill! Well-deserved POTD.
Kathy Pazaryna commented on March 01, 2008 05:36:
Well done Bill Congrats on your POTD win
Mustafa Kizilcay commented on March 01, 2008 05:40:
A striking shot and creative post-processing well suited to the subject. Congratulations on your POTD, Bill!
Larry Lynch commented on March 01, 2008 07:33:
Another great example of what can be done with shots of "mundane" and "everyday" sights, if you put your mind (and skills) to it!
Bill Turner commented on March 01, 2008 08:34:
Thanks all. To the first comment, this post processing had a lot more to it than just the LR sliders.
Renee Harrell commented on March 01, 2008 09:18:
I'm always amazed at this "other realm" that HDR takes photos to. I'm not a big fan of heavy equipment but I LOVE what you have done with this image, Bill! Excellent rendition, it gives this image LIFE...!!! Congrats on a well desreved POTD!
Robert Luongo commented on March 01, 2008 12:53:
It would be okay if it's a painting. Just a lousy photo...It's over processed. Someone just went overboard using the computer.
Nacy Koche commented on March 01, 2008 13:02:
What happened to good old photography? This picture might be more suited for a computer/photoshop site (thought his post processing ability is very questionable or "YMMV"). It's definitely not photography.
Joyce Webley commented on March 01, 2008 15:04:
I really like what you've done with this image, Bill. It has that "Twilight Zone" feel to it, as though the machine is alive! Congratulations on your skill on this one and your win today!
susie peek-swint commented on March 01, 2008 15:42:
Many congrats Bill!
Linn Smith commented on March 01, 2008 19:25:
Very creative and original...a wonderful effect and executed with great care! Congratulations on your POTD win today!
Barbara Socor commented on March 01, 2008 20:24:
Very well done Bill! A real sense of drama and even beauty here....also a kind of "hyper realism" that holds the viewer. Congrats!
Mick Morris commented on March 01, 2008 21:06:
Bill Turner commented on March 03, 2008 20:31:
Robert, Nacy, Mick, It is posted in "artwork" and is, in fact, derived from a photograph. I merely posted it and I didn't select it but thanks for looking.

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