Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Friday, March 7, 2008 » Photo of the Day ~ Scenic & Landscape Category ~ March 07, 2008

Photo of the Day ~ Scenic & Landscape Category ~ March 07, 2008

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Dick Vance All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Worth Stopping For
by Dick Vance (Richard R) 
Nikon D-200
Cades Cove, Tennessee
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
A lady photographer stops her car to view this sight "Worth Stopping For" as a streak of sunlight crossed the early morning fog and frost of Cades Cove.

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3.81 (16 votes)
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Bill Vickers commented on March 07, 2008 08:22:
I knew it was your before I saw the name Good shot Bill
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on March 07, 2008 09:31:
Nice shot of these backlite trees in the early morning sun, Dick. The woman photographer who stopped to take a picture gives the scene added interest. Congratulations! And I see that she is not the only one who stopped!!!
Linn Smith commented on March 07, 2008 09:43:
Lovely landscape and good to see others appreciate the view also! Congratulations on your POTD!
Tom Downer commented on March 07, 2008 10:51:
Dick, I'm glad you stopped! Beautiful landscape. Congrats on your POTD!
Kumiko Parkinson commented on March 07, 2008 10:59:
So very beautiful...the lighting, the colors of the light...Super! She might be a member of PV and watching this now!
Judy Baum commented on March 07, 2008 16:59:
I will guess your shot turned out better than hers. She would love a copy of yours. :-)
Karen Mack commented on March 07, 2008 18:13:
Perfect timing for the light. I love the pastel colors. Congrats.
Marion Cronen commented on March 08, 2008 00:04:
That is a really nice shot... it kinda reminds me of me ..something i would do .. jump out of the car and leave it on the side of the road to take some pics..lol..

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