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Photo of the Day ~ Birds Category ~ March 07, 2008

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Pam Silvester All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Spring is in the Air
by Pam Silvester (pandrbirds1) 
Kodak P850
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
Kodak 1.4 tcon was attached. While I was outside...I could hear the songs of a lot of birds...so yes, Spring is in the air :)

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3.69 (16 votes)
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Jane Mountain commented on March 07, 2008 01:29:
Great contrast and detail. I love birds - hearing them chirp always puts me in a better mood!
ellen hodges commented on March 07, 2008 06:10:
Congrats on a great image, Pam!
Diane Blackford commented on March 07, 2008 06:21:
Beautifully well composed capture, excellent detail Pam. Congrats on your POTD.
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on March 07, 2008 09:11:
What a little cutie, Pam. The little bird seems like it is looking right at you singing a little spring song. Wonderful color and rich detail, congrats!!!
Linn Smith commented on March 07, 2008 09:45:
A beautiful female cardinal captured with great detail and wonderful composition. Congratulations on your lovely win today!
Lisa Margolis commented on March 07, 2008 12:20:
Nicely done Pam!
Dot Brown commented on March 07, 2008 16:13:
Soooooo nice, gosh, I can even see the fine "whisker" like feathers under its beak, Congratulations
Pam Silvester commented on March 07, 2008 22:45:
Thanks sooo much Jane, Ellen, Diane,Patrice, Linn, Lisa & Dot for such nice comments :) I love it when the birds come into my yard!!! Of course i feed them well too, LOL!!!
Maureen Bisson commented on March 07, 2008 23:07:
She is just so precious with those whiskers on her chinny-chin Pam! Beautiful capture & congratulations on POTD!!
Pam Silvester commented on March 08, 2008 07:39:
Thanks so much Maureen :) I find the females just as gorgeous as the male!!!

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