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Photo of the Day ~ Street Scenes Category ~ March 31, 2008

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Linn Smith All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Fuel Economy Comes to New York
by Linn Smith (artisopus) 
Canon EOS 5-D
New York, New York
United States of America

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3.03 (17 votes)
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Kathy Shogren commented on March 31, 2008 00:35:
Lots to look at, a nice city capture Linn. Congrats on POTD!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on March 31, 2008 00:47:
incredible energy of the human kind in this wonderful capture!! Bustling and full of life..great color & detail with lots to invite the viewer to explore! Congrats Linn on a fine & well suited to theme win!!
susie peek-swint commented on March 31, 2008 04:02:
A glimpse of the fast city frozen in time ~ great capture Linn .. many congrats!
Kirsten Kjaer commented on March 31, 2008 06:47:
WOW! Very impressive city-capture, Linn. With such great clarity and so detailed. Congrats on you win today.
Kumiko Parkinson commented on March 31, 2008 07:33:
Lively busy NY...great depth and the big-sity-colors, nice find too! Congratulations, Linn!!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on March 31, 2008 09:01:
A great find & wonderful depiction of life in the big city. I especially love your title and the bicycle driven carriage in the midst of a busy NYC street. Big congrats on your win today, Linn!!!
Cricket Pence commented on March 31, 2008 09:36:
Lots to see here. Nice action. Congrats!
Linn Smith commented on March 31, 2008 10:36:
Thank you everyone for your kind comments...I appreciate them very much!
Gerda Grice commented on March 31, 2008 13:34:
Very atmospheric NYC shot, Linn! It really gives us the feeling of being there! Many congratulations on your POTD! (Incidentally, one of the things that I really impresses me about New York City is how many people there walk or take public transit or bike, as opposed to driving everywhere as people do in so many North American cities.)
Margaret Barry commented on March 31, 2008 19:32:
Great capture, Linn. Fantastic details and colors. Congratulations on your POTD!
Joyce Webley commented on March 31, 2008 23:44:
Great capture, Linn! I'd sure like to be traveling like this! Congratulations on a slice of life street scene!
Mike Steward commented on April 01, 2008 02:31:
A very busy and interesting street scene, and a great capture. Congratulations

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