All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.
Image copyright © Ole Flyvbjerg All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.
by Ole Flyvbjerg (oleflyv)
Camera: Panasonic Lumix FZ-30
Location: Copenhagen
Photographer Notes: I have always been very fascinated by shots of waterdrops frozen in action, and have only previously made a few half-harted tries at it. This weekend, however, I though I’d try it out once more – inspired by some pictures and a thread in the Flickr Discussion forum. Set-up was a large drinking glass filled with water and placed in my steel kitchen sink.
Pic were shot handheld with the FZ30 and the Raynox 150 and on-board flash diffused with a regular sheet of white A4 paper. It was so much fun, but also something which required some patience and practice.I think I shot app. 80 pics and the result was 7 I was satisfied with. One is posted here.
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