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Photo of the Day ~ Animals & Wildlife Category ~ April 15, 2008

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Pam Silvester All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

The Peanut Thief
by Pam Silvester (pandrbirds1) 
Kodak P850
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
Kodak 1.4 tcon was attached...They were well stocked over the winter with peanuts & seeds...This was the 1st time back out at the feeder :) He looks well fed to me, LOL!!!

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3.41 (11 votes)
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Robin-Lee Vieira commented on April 15, 2008 00:20:
Adorable Pam..wonderful expression on this little one, great clarity, color and dof! Congrats!!
Linn Smith commented on April 15, 2008 06:28:
A terrific treat on only for the squirrel but for you...congratulations on a wonderful capture for POTD!
Diane Blackford commented on April 15, 2008 06:45:
Congrats on your POTD Pam. I just love these little guys, I wish we had therm here, but they seem to be more of a northern animal. Great capture of the little thief.
Dawn Werner commented on April 15, 2008 07:32:
Wonderfully done Pam !!! That Chippy should know there will always be enough to go around with you manning the feeder !!! Congrats !
SaMi Martin commented on April 15, 2008 19:31:
Great capture Pam; Congratulations!
Alexander Itskovich commented on April 15, 2008 20:47:
Impressive snapshot of the very photogenic "model", with big respect to the winner of the day!
Pam Silvester commented on April 15, 2008 21:27:
Thanks so much Robin, Linn, Diane & Dawn :) SaMi & Alexander for such nice comments...am so glad U enjoyed my little Thief :)
Kathy DiPaolo commented on April 15, 2008 22:18:
What a cute subject Pam! Beautiful photo of the peanut thief.
Pam Silvester commented on April 15, 2008 23:47:
Thank U Kathy :)
Maureen Bisson commented on April 16, 2008 01:15:
Awwwww ~ such a precious capture Pam! Fantastic photography and I would enjoy viewing many more captures of this little thief anytime! Congratulations on POTD!
Pam Silvester commented on April 16, 2008 17:27:
Thanks so much Maureen :) I have yet to tire of these little furballs!!!
Keith Harper commented on April 21, 2008 17:36:
Very cute picture! I have squirrel pictures, but none like this. Well done!

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