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Photo of the Day ~ Animals & Wildlife Category ~ May 16, 2008

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Joy Cobb All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Three Blind Mice
by Joy Cobb (JoyCobb) 
Kodak Z612
Kingsville, Ohio
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
(Technically, they're rats, but it just didn't have the same ring to it.) There are five in all, and our daughter fell in love and carried them around for hours. Against our better judgment, we put them back where we found them and their mama took them back again.

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3.10 (10 votes)
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Linn Smith commented on May 16, 2008 06:40:
Crisp focus under a difficult situation of getting all three of them in the frame is marvelous...congratulations on your POTD!
Joy Cobb commented on May 16, 2008 06:48:
Thank you very much, PV and Linn! :)
Diane Blackford commented on May 16, 2008 06:59:
Great capture Joy. I love them all piled on each other. Great title. Congrats on your POTD
Kim Young commented on May 16, 2008 08:41:
Ahhh, Aren't they beautiful!!! Great capture!
SaMi Martin commented on May 16, 2008 10:29:
Great capture & great title; Congratulations Joy!
Kumiko Parkinson commented on May 16, 2008 11:25:
Forget "technically" what they are, just so cute! Great clarity, lighting and the title, congratulations, Joy!
Joy Cobb commented on May 16, 2008 14:06:
Thank you very much, Diane, Kim, SaMi and Kumiko! :)
Corri Garza commented on May 16, 2008 15:05:
They are sooo cute...while they're babies anyway! Cute capture and title. Congrats!
Mark Westlake commented on May 16, 2008 15:51:
Great job Joy,congrats!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on May 16, 2008 20:35:
Too cute for words..and not very intimidating! Adorable and well captured right down to the little whiskers!! Congratulations Joy!!
Margaret Barry commented on May 16, 2008 21:06:
Amazing capture, Joy. Congratulations on your POTD!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on May 16, 2008 23:17:
Wonderful shot, Joy, with a great title and a marvelous composition to accompany it. Big Congrats!!!

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