Home » POTD » POTD Daily Winners for Saturday, June 7, 2008 » Photo of the Day ~ Love (06-2008) Category ~ June 07, 2008

Photo of the Day ~ Love (06-2008) Category ~ June 07, 2008

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Tamara Shurling All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Sisterly Love
by Tamara Shurling (Angelwolfstorm) 
Sony A100
Guyton, Georgia
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
This was a candid shot I got of my 2 daughters that I can show them everytime they fight lol! I think it shows how sisters are so close.

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3.68 (14 votes)
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Nasrullah khaled commented on June 07, 2008 04:24:
Great shot. I love the impromptuness of the picture, it is so natural. The sepia tone just made it more attractive
susie peek-swint commented on June 07, 2008 08:26:
Great capture Tamara ~ I love the tones too .. many congrats!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on June 07, 2008 09:01:
Absolutely beautiful with precious expression and wonderful tones! Congrats on your win!!
Tamara Shurling commented on June 07, 2008 09:47:
Thank you!
Donna Pagakis commented on June 07, 2008 12:25:
Just darling, congratulations on your potd Tamara!
Kumiko Parkinson commented on June 07, 2008 12:47:
I love the natural pose and natural love there, great great shot, Tamara! Congratulations!
Linn Smith commented on June 07, 2008 12:50:
A precious and very candid moment captured beautifully...a photo to be treasured forever! Congratulations on your POTD!
Joyce Webley commented on June 07, 2008 14:21:
Very sweet showing sisterly love. Sometimes you don't realize it until you're much older, but it's there all the same. Congratulations on a beautiful portrait!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on June 07, 2008 17:48:
Precious & perfect for the category, Tamara...congrats!
Jane Mountain commented on June 07, 2008 19:47:
Great job. Works very well as a sepia tone - a more artistic and stronger image.
Tom Briggs commented on June 07, 2008 23:09:
This is an exceptional photo. The moment, the execution and love that it represents are fantastic. Congrats on this wonderful POTD.
Tamara Shurling commented on June 07, 2008 23:15:
Thank you so much everyone!

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