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Photo of the Day ~ Birds Category ~ June 26, 2008

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Chrissy B All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Look of the Eagle
by Chrissy B (ChrissyB) 
Canon EOS 400-D

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3.37 (15 votes)
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ellen hodges commented on June 26, 2008 01:07:
Great capture, Chrissy!
Chrissy B commented on June 26, 2008 06:50:
Thanks to the judges for choosing this image for Photo of the Day and thanks Ellen for your kind words... :)
Bill Gigliotti commented on June 26, 2008 11:18:
Chrissy - joined this month and have 3 winners already in 3 different categories - I'm impressed! Great shot
Joyce Webley commented on June 26, 2008 11:20:
Beautiful bird! Congratulations, Chrissy!
SaMi Martin commented on June 26, 2008 13:17:
Great capture; Congratulations Chrissy!
Linn Smith commented on June 26, 2008 16:02:
Outstanding portrait of this grand eagle showing strong expression. Excellent lighting and focus. Congratulations on a super POTD win!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on June 26, 2008 17:19:
Beautiful color, detail and expression Crissy! I like how the breeze caught a little feather! Big Congrats on POTD!
Teresa Burnett commented on June 26, 2008 21:59:
Marvelous capture Chrissy! What a magnificent bird! Congratulations!
Gerda Grice commented on June 26, 2008 22:20:
Excellent bird portrait, Chrissy! Many congratulations on your POTD!
Eileen Bedford commented on June 26, 2008 22:44:
Great detail on this fantastic capture. Congrats.......
Chrissy B commented on June 27, 2008 01:37:
Thanks everyone for your lovely words of congratulations.... :)

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