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Photo of the Day ~ Animals & Wildlife Category ~ July 24, 2008

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Roger Hogan All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

On Top of His World
by Roger Hogan (roger@railroadsusa.com) 
Canon EOS 1-D Mark III
Chama, New Mexico
United States of America

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3.31 (13 votes)
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Teresa Burnett commented on July 24, 2008 00:35:
Wonderful capture of this adorable little fellow Roger!! Fantastic clarity and lighting!! Congratulations!!
Donna Paul (Tentacion) commented on July 24, 2008 01:47:
Beautiful Capture, Congrats on POTD
Melinda Schneider commented on July 24, 2008 06:01:
Wonderful detail in this adorable fellow! Well done! Congratulations!
Sylvia Rossler commented on July 24, 2008 17:43:
This is so cute it makes me smile !!! Wonderful shot Roger !! Congrats :o)
Mustafa Kizilcay commented on July 24, 2008 18:42:
An excellent shot with detail and nice DOF, Roger. Congratulations!

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